Patent Portfolio Analysis for a Semiconductor Manufacturer
Patent Portfolio Analysis for a Semiconductor Manufacturer
Leading international semiconductor and infrastructure software products company

The Ask
Assessed coverage & potential of client’s patent portfolio and identified patents having high infringement potential. Key questions that the client needed answers to:
What is key problem targeted in the patents? What are potential applications of the patented technologies?
What are key marketed components or features in the competitors’ products?
What are the top patents from the client’s portfolio having high infringement detectability?
Our Solution
Ranked patents based on quantitative parameters as per Iota Analytics' Q-factor (P)
Downloaded bibliographic details of the patent portfolio
Sanitized bibliographic details (such as forward citations to remove duplicates)
Finalized relevance of each parameter based on the client’s objective (such grant has high importance for assertion scenarios)
Ranked patents based on quantitative parameters as per Iota Analytics' Q-factor (P)
Downloaded bibliographic details of the patent portfolio
Sanitized bibliographic details (such as forward citations to remove duplicates)
Finalized relevance of each parameter based on the client’s objective (such grant has high importance for assertion scenarios)
Ranked patents based on quantitative parameters as per Iota Analytics' Q-factor (P)
Downloaded bibliographic details of the patent portfolio
Sanitized bibliographic details (such as forward citations to remove duplicates)
Finalized relevance of each parameter based on the client’s objective (such grant has high importance for assertion scenarios)
Conducted strategic manual analysis of the patents to categorize them under different applications
Analyzed top 500 patents in detail to understand Reverse Engineering requirements, targeted product and market
Analyzed remaining patents quickly to gauge other subjective factors
Performed quick market analysis to understand market potential and competition
Conducted strategic manual analysis of the patents to categorize them under different applications
Analyzed top 500 patents in detail to understand Reverse Engineering requirements, targeted product and market
Analyzed remaining patents quickly to gauge other subjective factors
Performed quick market analysis to understand market potential and competition
Conducted strategic manual analysis of the patents to categorize them under different applications
Analyzed top 500 patents in detail to understand Reverse Engineering requirements, targeted product and market
Analyzed remaining patents quickly to gauge other subjective factors
Performed quick market analysis to understand market potential and competition
Created a visual map of overlaps between potential applications and patent clusters
Visual map with patent portfolio, products and markets. Flagged portfolio elements with high potential based on:
Market size
Comprehensiveness of portfolio
Availability of information publicly
Competition in the market
Type of product
Created a visual map of overlaps between potential applications and patent clusters
Visual map with patent portfolio, products and markets. Flagged portfolio elements with high potential based on:
Market size
Comprehensiveness of portfolio
Availability of information publicly
Competition in the market
Type of product
Created a visual map of overlaps between potential applications and patent clusters
Visual map with patent portfolio, products and markets. Flagged portfolio elements with high potential based on:
Market size
Comprehensiveness of portfolio
Availability of information publicly
Competition in the market
Type of product
Shortlisted top 50 patents as per Iota Analytics' Q-factor (S)
Shortlisted high quality patents in the portfolio and flagged them as high potential patents
Analyzed shortlisted patents in a staged manner to optimize the budget of the client and prepared claim-charts wherever possible
Shortlisted top 50 patents as per Iota Analytics' Q-factor (S)
Shortlisted high quality patents in the portfolio and flagged them as high potential patents
Analyzed shortlisted patents in a staged manner to optimize the budget of the client and prepared claim-charts wherever possible
Shortlisted top 50 patents as per Iota Analytics' Q-factor (S)
Shortlisted high quality patents in the portfolio and flagged them as high potential patents
Analyzed shortlisted patents in a staged manner to optimize the budget of the client and prepared claim-charts wherever possible
High activity in the market as large number of players are available
Patented features are usually marketed and published in detail (or RE required up to input/output testing)
High activity in the market as large number of players are available
Patented features are usually marketed and published in detail (or RE required up to input/output testing)
High activity in the market as large number of players are available
Patented features are usually marketed and published in detail (or RE required up to input/output testing)
The features are just added on to one of the key patents, although cannot be mapped, but pitch-book can be prepared to highlight value proposition
The features are just added on to one of the key patents, although cannot be mapped, but pitch-book can be prepared to highlight value proposition
The features are just added on to one of the key patents, although cannot be mapped, but pitch-book can be prepared to highlight value proposition
SEP – Standard Essential Patents
Since patents are related to standards, there is high probability of accessing online information
SEP – Standard Essential Patents
Since patents are related to standards, there is high probability of accessing online information
SEP – Standard Essential Patents
Since patents are related to standards, there is high probability of accessing online information
Strategic Advice
These patents can be discarded as technologies that are outdated/ not preferred in the market
It can also be donated to the industry for creating future infringement opportunity
Strategic Advice
These patents can be discarded as technologies that are outdated/ not preferred in the market
It can also be donated to the industry for creating future infringement opportunity
Strategic Advice
These patents can be discarded as technologies that are outdated/ not preferred in the market
It can also be donated to the industry for creating future infringement opportunity
High activity in the market as large number of players are available
Patented features are usually marketed and published in detail (or RE required up to input/output testing)
The features are just added on to one of the key patents, although cannot be mapped, but pitch-book can be prepared to highlight value proposition
SEP – Standard Essential Patents
Since patents are related to standards, there is high probability of accessing online information
Strategic Advice
These patents can be discarded as technologies that are outdated/ not preferred in the market
It can also be donated to the industry for creating future infringement opportunity
Budget Optimization
50%: Reduction in annuity payment for non-valuable assets
3: Licensing agreements
20: Patent covering peripheral technologies bundled with high-valued patents
Budget Optimization
50%: Reduction in annuity payment for non-valuable assets
3: Licensing agreements
20: Patent covering peripheral technologies bundled with high-valued patents
Budget Optimization
50%: Reduction in annuity payment for non-valuable assets
3: Licensing agreements
20: Patent covering peripheral technologies bundled with high-valued patents
Budget Optimization
50%: Reduction in annuity payment for non-valuable assets
3: Licensing agreements
20: Patent covering peripheral technologies bundled with high-valued patents
Knowledge Centre

Case Study
Legal Tech
Document Management System with AI-Powered Search for Scanned Documents

Case Study
Legal Tech
Data Minimization and Compliance for Privacy and Security

Case Study
Legal Tech
Patent Analytics in a Disconnected Environment

Case Study
Legal Tech
Automated filling of Application Data Sheets (ADS) for National Stage USPTO Filing

Case Study
Legal Tech
Data Breach Incident Reporting for a Leading ALSP

Case Study
Legal Tech
AI-Powered Deal Document Generation
Knowledge Centre

Case Study
Legal Tech
Document Management System with AI-Powered Search for Scanned Documents

Case Study
Legal Tech
Data Minimization and Compliance for Privacy and Security

Case Study
Legal Tech
Patent Analytics in a Disconnected Environment

Case Study
Legal Tech
Automated filling of Application Data Sheets (ADS) for National Stage USPTO Filing

Case Study
Legal Tech
Data Breach Incident Reporting for a Leading ALSP

Case Study
Legal Tech
AI-Powered Deal Document Generation
Knowledge Centre

Case Study
Legal Tech
Document Management System with AI-Powered Search for Scanned Documents

Case Study
Legal Tech
Data Minimization and Compliance for Privacy and Security

Case Study
Legal Tech
Patent Analytics in a Disconnected Environment

Case Study
Legal Tech
Automated filling of Application Data Sheets (ADS) for National Stage USPTO Filing

Case Study
Legal Tech
Data Breach Incident Reporting for a Leading ALSP

Case Study
Legal Tech
AI-Powered Deal Document Generation
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